Welcome. This blog was created share the happenings of my life, and thoughts on issues pertaining to whatever I'm interested in. Much as I am apolitical (I rather not take sides), I often blog about sociopolitical and socioeconomic matters.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Social media: I thought we were friends?!

Facebook has changed social relationships. Taken it to the next level. I have come across at least 3 instances through 2011 where I wasn't friends with a person I'm close to, all of a sudden. Recently I thought I came across another case; but fortunately it turned out to be a mistake.

1. Unfriended, for life
There are people whom you can unfriend and block. My first case was as such; it was extremely painful, but there wasn't anything I could do.

2. Hacked
Another friend got hacked and unfriended me. I was sad, of course, until I realised that the account was hacked. It made me realise how scary social media is. An extra tool for mischief.

3. I've left Facebook
There's another friend of mine who left Facebook to take a break. She was such an avid Facebook user, and her sudden disappearance invoked lots of paranoia in me.

I've just checked out HER blog, after a long time. She seems very happy. I feel very sad that it all had ended like that.