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Saturday, May 18, 2019

After Implanon Removal: 6 months on

Implanon, nexplanon, birth control implant

I started implanon in October 2015 when I was 25 and it expired in October 2018. Here were the symptoms which I experienced when I was on implanon:

  1. Loss of libido (urgh)
  2. Water Retention and Puffiness (which contributed further to 1)
  3. Anxiety e.g. hyperventilating, breathing in a shallow manner, crying
  4. Spotting for months without stopping
  5. Tiredness and fatigue
In October 2018, after Implanon's removal, there were a few lifestyle change which I made
  1. Switching to a flexitarian (less meat, more veggie) diet
  2. Change of toothpaste
  3. Lack of familial support (I lived alone ever since my hubby went to study in Sheffield)
  4. Eating out more, and cooking less
  5. Hormonal Imbalance 
As a result, my period was very irregular. In fact, this led to several unfortunate incidents. I thought I was pregnant. Worst of all, this led to me having chronic lip eczema (perioral dermatitis). The eczema was misdiagnosed as cold sores. I was given medication which didn't work. It was then misdiagnosed as chapped lips and hydrocortisone lip balm made it worse. It was mistreated with a series of antibiotics (3 months worth) which didn't help.

Finally, I visited a doctor who gave me oral steroids, and it instantly got better.

To sum up, here are the effects of implanon removal for me, six months on...
  1. Dermatitis
  2. Long period cycles (44-46 days)
  3. Less stress and anxiety
  4. Less tiredness and fatigue
  5. Less water retention

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